

Josh Bilicki (2020)
Birthdate: June 1, 1996 Owner: N/A
Hometown: Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin Car: Toyota
Team: Reaume Brothers Racing Car No.: 00
Primary Sponsor: N/A Crew Chief: Andrew Abbott
2020 Statistics
Driver Points 140 Driver Points Rank 34
Races Won 0 Points per NASCAR Race 4.2
Races Won (%) 0% NASCAR Won (%) 0%
Average Start 31.1 Average Finish Overall 19
Average Finish Last 5 16.6 Average Finish Last 10 19
Driver Races Run 7 Points per Driver Race Run 20
NASCAR Races Run 33 Percentage NASCAR Races Run 21.2%
Top 5 Finishes 0 Races Top 5 (%) 0%
Top 10 Finishes 0 Races Top 10 (%) 0%
NASCAR Top 5 (%) 0% NASCAR Top 10 (%) 0%
Avg Start-to-Finish +12.1 Best Start Position 19
Driver Laps Run 603 Driver Races Laps 610
Percentage Race Laps Run 98.9% Percentage Races Finished Laps Run 98.9%
NASCAR Races Laps 5,594 Percentage NASCAR Laps Run 10.8%
Did Not Finish 0 Did Not Finish (%) 0%
2020 Race by Race for Josh Bilicki
Date Event Name Finish Start Laps Run Race Laps Pts/PP Earned Finish Status
2/15/20 NASCAR Racing Experience 300 21 32 117 120 16/0 Running
2/29/20 Production Alliance Group 300 29 34 146 150 8/0 Running
7/4/20 Pennzoil 150 at the Brickyard 23 36 62 62 18/0 Running
8/8/20 Henry 180 17 30 45 45 30/0 Running
8/15/20 UNOH 188 at the DAYTONA Road Course 12 19 52 52 25/0 Running
10/3/20 Ag-Pro 300 18 35 113 113 19/0 Running
10/10/20 Drive for the Cure 250 presented by Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina 13 32 68 68 24/0 Running